Adonis NYC Pride 2019

Adonis NYC in the 2019 Pride Parade


Adonis Gets a Shout Out On Buzzfeed

“Ways You Ask If He’s Queer Without Actually Asking”

Meet the Adonis LA Dancers

From Boy Culture: Meet some of the strippers from Adonis L.A., who talk about how they got into the biz of taking off their clothes, their first-ever lap dances, how their girlfriends feel about their dancing for dudes, plus funny questions about Bill vs. Hillary Clinton, which dancer they’d get sexual with + MORE!

Boy Culture Interviews Matt de Iturriaga

From Boy Culture: Adonis L.A.’s hot, muscle-bound manager Matt de Iturriaga talks about his path from Lehman Brothers to modeling to stripping to managing L.A.’s red-hot Adonis Lounge.

Marcus Patrick Interview

Marcus Patrick was recently interviewed by Boy Culture:
“Marcus Patrick, singer and actor, talks about his plan to release an album, stripping for women and for men, and why he feels such an affinity for gay men.”

Behind the Scenes

One Spring morning, Adonis decided to stage a group photo shoot featuring all of our top stars. Being well aware that strippers have a hard enough time getting out of bed for their child support and parole hearings, we contrived our own plan promising a mid day rave with a live DJ, food, and single make-up artists. It worked and we ended up getting some great pictures, video interviews, and enough stupid sound bites to confirm what we all already knew…All the stereotypes about strippers are indeed true! Enjoy…

Check out our other video: Adonis NYC & Adonis Vegas

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